IX Forum Sales Performance – Brief introduction
I will soon perform at the 9th Sales Performance Forum. The title of my speech is: Motivational of 21st Century – Why Automation Does not Work (Motywowanie na miarę XXI w wieku – dlaczego automatyzm systemowy się nie sprawdza). Now I want to explain what I mean by presenting this issue.
In my opinion, thinking about motivation based on classic motivational theories is insufficient. Today, new employees entering the labor market have grown up and educated in a completely new environment than the creators of these theories. Earlier education was guided by goals: duty, science, responsibility. Today’s cultural patterns encourage us to stress-free consumerism. Young people often have undefined goals and can not find themselves in a new task-based environment. Their resistance to stress is also much lower.
These employee traits create new challenges for managers. They must often clash their patterns with new attitudes. How to effectively manage staff in such a market situation? I will speak about it during my speech.